
Read the latest news from Q-System

April: Fortunately, business is still running

We are producing projects, designing new ones and we can still supply on time. Our sales, production and design dept. are open and therefore, we can supply non-driven and driven conveyors - and pallet stackers - with a short delivery time. If you need some conveyors,...

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Robotic Palletising

Robotic Palletising

Robotic PalletisingUsually the robotic palletising is carried out on driven roller conveyors of height 350 - 500 mm. This time, however, the height is only 160 mm. The reason is that the full pallets are going to be removed using a manual pump truck, which cannot lift...

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Q-System now transport houses!

Q-System now transport houses!

Q-system now transport houses!We has always been good at adapting to the trends in many different industries. A new industry, which we have focused on, is the modular housing/pavilion building industry in which automation is a natural development. As we announced at...

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Q-System named a Gazelle business 2017

Q-System named a Gazelle business 2017

Q-System named a Gazelle business 2017 Q-System: Expertise in Internal Logistics Solutions It is said that you can not teach old dogs new tricks - it does not apply when we talk about Q-System. We have been around since 1955 and are today one of the few remaining...

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A Semi-automatic Conveyor System Can Make a Big Difference

A Semi-automatic Conveyor System Can Make a Big Difference

Semi-Automatic Conveyor System for AVKThe conveyor system, which is being tested here at Q-System, is going to be installed "down under"  - at AVK Valves, Australia. As the name indicates, AVK manufacture valves. When the valves are cast they are going to be poured...

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Q-System introduce Q-Log

Q-System introduce Q-Log

q q Until now, Q-System have been known for their modular logistics solutions. Each product is a module you can use just like Lego bricks, to build your very own customized solutions. Just from the Q63 conveyors for light cargo up to the Q89 conveyors for goods over...

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Turnkey solution for Haldex Brake Products

Turnkey solution for Haldex Brake Products

Haldex Brake Products in Landskrona in Sweden is continuously streamlining their production and have now installed a fully automatic painting system, so that they can now paint themselves instead of having it done by subcontractors. To be able to solve the task, there...

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Yet Another Multimillon Order For Q-System Sweden

Yet Another Multimillon Order For Q-System Sweden

Essity Hygiene & Health of Sweden producing among other products kitchen towels and toilet paper have decided to place yet another multimillion order with Q-System. This time we are going to design and supply a complex conveyor system to be installed and put into...

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The Changeover Time Was Reduced by 90 Per Cent

The Changeover Time Was Reduced by 90 Per Cent

The new "changeover station" at Kverneland of Norway is a big success and this concept will be used in the future.     Stefan Henriksson, who is in charge of the forging presses and spare parts, says: "our Japanese owners, Kubota, charged us with reducing...

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Q-System and Industry 4.0 fit perfectly together

Q-System and Industry 4.0 fit perfectly together

Industry 4.0 is the big buzzword right now. Industry 4.0 is the integration between the digital world and physical production. It is the idea that intelligent, collaborative productions and service networks can self-control elements across the span of industrial value...

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