Derome produce module houses made of wood constructed with modern and rational volume technology. Derome deliver industrially optimized and custom-built apartment buildings and group homes to professional customers in Sweden and Norway. Derome Plusshus are primarily delivered as group-built single-family homes and apartment buildings.
Now they are building a brand new house factory in Varberg / Värö, and it has been decided to abandon the traditional way of producing house quantities and thinking in new courses. Here the car industry and their assembly line production have been looked at as inspiration for the production of the modular houses and even the factory itself.
Q-System Sweden has got every confidence to deliver this complex conveyor system and production of the new production line at Derome Plusshus.
“We are very proud and happy that we have the confidence to deliver this conveyor system as this is a unique solution with a lot of innovation,” says Göran Svanberg, CEO of Q-System Sweden
“The line that consists of our standard chain conveyors, the floor modules are assembled with the wall and ceiling modules. Next, the houses are moved forward according to the assembly line principle, so all exterior and interior work can be completed so that when they reach the end of the line, the finished houses are ready for loading on the trucks. But before they reach the trucks there is a station where the houses need to be lifted up so that the plumbing work can be carried out under the house. This is a challenge as a special hoist must be built to lift the modules, which can weigh up to 12 tons and can be up to 12 meters long, so they can work safely under the houses.”
“We always take our standard products and tailor them to suit the specific products and production lines. This is one of our many assets at Q-System. As we design and produce everything in our own factory, we specialize in building custom internal logistics systems. “Göran Svanberg concludes.